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22-14 40th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101

(718) 707-9655

 Michael Daniel has been working professionally as a metal artist since 1993.


Michael designs and fabricates metal work for the trade, retail buyers and individuals. He works with architects and interior designers to create pieces that range from large-scale installations to decoration and furniture for residences and stores and other businesses.


Michael has also created metal furnishings and sculpture for several restaurants, such as Gramercy Tavern, Craft, Hearth, Insieme and Terroir. He has also created metal work for various retailers, companies and institutions ranging from Kenneth Cole to Pace University. 


Michael also offers beginning welding and metal sculpting classes in his studio in Queens, New York City.



The Earthship

Michael Daniel

For our summer vacation this year we went to New Mexico and Colorado. Sara, Silas and I all agree that staying in the Earthship was the highlight of our trip. Sara and I became fascinated by this design of sustainable housing after seeing Garbage Warrior, the documentary about architect Michael Reynolds, creator of the Earthship. On our way to Colorado, we were lucky enough to be able to stay for a night at one of the Earthships at the Earthship World Headquarters in Taos.

We stayed in the Phoenix Design Earthship, which is still under construction (mostly just the greenhouse and outdoor yard), so we were able to talk to a couple of the workers that were on site in the morning before we left, and learned more about the Earthship design and sustainable housing in general. The atmosphere inside the Earthship is incredibly soothing, and the air is really clean, due to all the plants growing inside. It was amazing to have a mini-jungle growing near the foot of the bed! Silas had fun running through the entire house (almost 5,500 square feet of it), and talking to the birds that lived in the greenhouse. There were even banana trees growing next to the living room area.

Entrance to The Phoenix

Entrance to The Phoenix

Silas looking up at the jungle growing inside The Phoenix

Silas looking up at the jungle growing inside The Phoenix

Silas running along the path inside The Phoenix

Silas running along the path inside The Phoenix

Me and Silas, sitting next to the tilapia pond

Me and Silas, sitting next to the tilapia pond

The fireplace and television in the living room

The fireplace and television in the living room

Recycled colored bottles

Recycled colored bottles

A photo of The Phoenix from the road leading to the highway

A photo of The Phoenix from the road leading to the highway