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22-14 40th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101

(718) 707-9655

 Michael Daniel has been working professionally as a metal artist since 1993.


Michael designs and fabricates metal work for the trade, retail buyers and individuals. He works with architects and interior designers to create pieces that range from large-scale installations to decoration and furniture for residences and stores and other businesses.


Michael has also created metal furnishings and sculpture for several restaurants, such as Gramercy Tavern, Craft, Hearth, Insieme and Terroir. He has also created metal work for various retailers, companies and institutions ranging from Kenneth Cole to Pace University. 


Michael also offers beginning welding and metal sculpting classes in his studio in Queens, New York City.


Registration for Welding and Metal Sculpting Classes NYC

Registration information for welding and metal sculpting classes at Michael Daniel Metal Design in Long Island City, Queens, New York City.

Introduction to Welding and Metal Sculpting - Spring 2025 - Section #2

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Introduction to Welding and Metal Sculpting - Spring 2025 - Section #2


Spring 2025 - THURSDAYS

March 6 - April 3, 2025

Hours: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

The class is limited to 7 students.

This section is 5 weeks.

Tuition: $675.00

Instructor: Michael Daniel

All necessary welding materials are covered in the cost of the tuition. Students must purchase a pair of work gloves before the beginning of class (specifications will be provided upon registration). No prior welding or sculpting experience is necessary.


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