contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right.​

22-14 40th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101

(718) 707-9655

 Michael Daniel has been working professionally as a metal artist since 1993.


Michael designs and fabricates metal work for the trade, retail buyers and individuals. He works with architects and interior designers to create pieces that range from large-scale installations to decoration and furniture for residences and stores and other businesses.


Michael has also created metal furnishings and sculpture for several restaurants, such as Gramercy Tavern, Craft, Hearth, Insieme and Terroir. He has also created metal work for various retailers, companies and institutions ranging from Kenneth Cole to Pace University. 


Michael also offers beginning welding and metal sculpting classes in his studio in Queens, New York City.


Read Me

​Adirondack is the perfect template for self-starters and savvy entrepreneurs. Its minimal navigation and full header images provide a bold framework for your brand's vision.

HIdden navigation

The navigation links are hidden to reduce clutter. Just hover over the menu icon or the site title to reveal them.​

​Nav open


Scroll Effects

Both the banner image ​and the header respond to scrolling the page. The header will shrink to become less obtrusive when you have scrolled a certain distance down the page. And the banner image will fade out and move up in relation to the distance you've scrolled.


Contact Form or Location Dropdown in Header

Adirondack has a built-in contact form or location info and map, opened with the icon in the upper right. You can choose which to display (or to display neither) with the Header Dropdown option in the Style Editor. The location dropdown uses an auto-generated google map image.

​Contact Form

​Location Info


Other Notable Options

Banner Image Height
Sets the height of the banner image on all devices except phones.​

Site Drop Shadow
Toggles the drop shadow around the content area.​

Page Title & Descriptions
Toggles the display of the page titles and descriptions.​

Title Decoration

Sets the decoration on the page titles and blog post titles.

Always Show Nav
Nav will always show if this is selected.

Header & Nav Borders
Toggles the borders around the header, folder navigation, and footer navigation.​

Blog Text Width
Sets the text width in the blog: narrow or normal.​

Blog Post Author
Toggles the display of the author name on blog posts.​​